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Hypnopartouna-300x300Hipnoparto Embarazo (Una)

Relajacion durante el embarazo y preparacion para un parto seguro facile

$4.99 Download MP3 here

Hypnoparto_2-CD-1-300x300Hipnoparto Nacimiento (Dos)

Relajacion durante el embarazo y preparacion para un parto seguro facile

$4.99 Download MP3 here



FINAL-Cover-SpanishHipnoparto Y Parto Creativo: Cómo dar a luz con confianza y sin miedo Altravez del Método Leclaire

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mloneill2Hypnobirthing #1 Pregnancy creating comfort within

Hypnobirthing – Creating Comfort Within – for a Healthy, Calm, Joyous Pregnancy When you start with a mindful pregnancy it is easy to change your fears about pregnancy, birth and parenting into positive thoughts and actions.

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mloneill2Hypnobirthing #2 Labor / Birthing from the Inside out

Hypnobirthing – Birthing from the Inside Out This CD is your preparation to birthing from within your mindful awareness of your rhythmic risings (formerly known as contractions) as they gently guide your baby down through the birth canal.